Strawberry-Rhubarb Pie
With meringue pie topping
Nothing tastes better than lush sweet strawberries and the rich tart bite of rhubarb nestled beneath a soft meringue pie topping. Strawberry rhubarb pie has a certain charm about it. It is a an oldie that seems out of place in this fanciful day and age where everything has to consist of some weird spice or super hard ingredient that is impossible to buy at your everyday market. It is a throw back pie that reminds me that simple is always better.
The great thing about living in Michigan is that there are always local markets that carry Michigan made and grown products, which is fully supported and encouraged by Michiganders. For some reason the rhubarb grown and sold here is 10 times better than any rhubarb I ever bought while living in Chicago. It is probably why I make this pie non-stop while the ingredients are in season.
The meringue pie topping is my way of adding a little pizazz to this charming treat. I love piecrust, especially when it is extra flaky and oozes that buttery goodness that is melt in your mouth delicious. With this pie though, a bottom crust is all you need. Yum!
- 8-INCH Pastry for 8-inch One-Crust Pie
- 1 Pint Strawberries, sliced
- 3 Large Rhubard Stalks, sliced into 3/4” pieces (about 4 c.)
- ½ c. Sugar
- ¼ tsp. Cinnamon
- 2 Tbsp. Tapioca Pearls
- 1 Tbsp. Cornstarch
- 2 Tbsp. Butter
- Juice of ½ a lemon
Meringue Topping:
- 3 egg whites
- ¼ c. Sugar
- 1 tsp. Vanilla Extract
- ¼ tsp. Cream of Tarter

- Prepare pie crust using the recipe here. Set aside.
- Prepare the Rhubarb by Par boiling it. (To par boil: bring a pot of water to a boil and add the Rhubarb. Boil for 2 minutes and then plunge into a bowl of freezing water to immediately stop cooking).
- In a bowl mix together sliced strawberries, rhubarb, cornstarch, tapioca, lemon juice, sugar, and cinnamon. Scoop into the piecrust into an even layer. Top with the two tablespoons of butter. Brush crust with egg wash and sprinkle with turbinado sugar.
- Place in a 400 degree oven and bake for 35-40 minutes, until crust is golden brown and filling is bubbling.
- Remove from oven and immediately add the meringue topping.
- Spoon onto pie filling. Spread over filling, carefully sealing meringue to edge of crust to prevent shrinking or weeping.
- Place back into a 425 degree oven until meringue is light brown (about 8-10 minutes).
To make the meringue topping: In medium bowl, beat egg whites and cream of tartar with electric mixer on high speed until foamy. Beat in sugar slowly. Continue beating until stiff and glossy. Do not under beat. Once egg whites start to stiffen, beat in vanilla.